Anisul Hoque has written the novel named Selai. This novel is a good and great novel. In this bangla book you will find a good taste of workers of garments. Nojibor and Bijli both is garments worker and they work together and they marry each other.
After marry, many things happened to their life. What is happened? This novel is separation pain story. If you read this novel you will gather lot of knowledge of workers of garments and their life style.
Anisul Hoque the writer of the novel Selai is a great and popular writer in Bangladesh. He wrote many bangle books and these bangla books pdf are available in this site. So, if you want to read and download this book, you just click the below download button.
Anisul Hoque the writer of the novel Selai is a great and popular writer in Bangladesh. He wrote many bangle books and these bangla books pdf are available in this site. So, if you want to read and download this book, you just click the below download button.